CBS Sunday Morning presented their ideas about COVID and planning.  

CBS Sunday Morning – Going to Plan B: When COVID pulls the rug out from under you 12/27/2020

While watching got me thinking about my previous post about the New Year and Planning. After watching I found comfort in reinforcing my plan to have goals, accepting those goals may ebb and flow toward completion or postponement.  

Change is okay for people, which is hard to say, coming from a planner and does not like change. We must remember to accept that life is not ideal or cookie cutter. What will work for one individual may fully not work for another. Pieces and parts will work together. Cookie-cutter got me thinking about cookies. Think about all those cookie trays that you either received or saw at work. None of them looked the same unless they came from a factory. The homemade ones may have used the same recipe, but none looked the same; hopefully, all tasted good. At the factory, mass-produced ones were okay but not as great as the homemade ones. Reinforcing that we are not factory-made, our lifestyle, culture, health, and society make us be the individuals we are. As we go into twenty-twenty-one, let us make one of our goals to accept that nothing is set in stone.

In taking information from the CBS Morning news piece, as individuals, we are all different. Still, we do need goals. The two professionals they interviewed had similar but dissimilar views also. In this time of the big picture, information is ever-changing and sounds so negative. Let’s make our goal to see the people in an equal light of struggling to live life well in this time of change and perceived chaos. Everyone has a story. Some may not be pretty, but choices made by them or others impact the goals of life. Everyone mourns the passing of people differently. Some may never stop. Is it frustrating, yes, but you may be in a similar spot yourself down the journey of life? Life is not fair people may not treat you equally as you strive to because they do not see the need.  

Our world’s big picture may look chaotic, and this chaos may impact your life. As an individual, take each situation that is affecting your life and strive to change it. Change can be the emotional component of looking for an example around Money being tight. Look at this as a means to eat portioned meals and set up a meal plan built around your food budget. Help you lose weight if that had been a previous goal or feel better by eating healthier foods. Maybe do pot luck meals with friends that are in the same boat. Look at moving somewhere within walking distance of a part-time job that may not fully impact your benefits or shop for food or carpool with friends that are also shopping.

There are many jobs out there that may not be ideal, but if getting up to go to work helps keep you focused, at least it is something. Home Health work is continually looking for people to care for those that are housebound. All that is needed is the ability and willingness to be the hands and feet for those in need. Extensive amount still have their mind just due to an accident or illness, need an extra set of hands to mop a floor, get them out of bed, cook for them in how they would like it, maybe help them with a shower, and so much more. There are so many needs and not enough caring people to help fill the need. Retail stores and factories need workers and a willingness to be trained, not your perception of the job but truly needed. Yes, it may be minimum wage, but at least it is Money coming in. Goals and looks many different ways just as we are individuals, so are the goals. Let’s strive to see the positive and understand the new year does not mean the chaos changes or ends. It is in our power and plans to change how we will live our lives and make changes that will impact our lives to the best we can. You are as trapped as you perceive you are. Really and truly, how often did you leave your house until someone said you could not? That does not mean I do not understand that concert, comic-con, wedding, and the list goes on canceled significant events. That industry has a difficult road ahead to reshape the promotion landscape, but there are those trying when possible to support them.  

Thank you, and may you find your spot in these life changing events and willingness to accept what cannot be changed and change the things that can. I have forgotten who’s quote this is; if I find it, I will add the info later.

Strive to change how you move through your day in the upcoming year.

I came across this video from Mercy Me that, for me, fit that drive to keep moving forward even when I feel suffocated by my mental health, choices, and physical pain. The desire to give up and forget about living in the here and now. Keep fighting to move through the day with a purpose to contribute no matter how small or large.

Mercy Me – Say I Won’t (Official Music Video) 12/4/20

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