As the year twenty-twenty-one inches closer or is already here, depending on when I finish writing and proofing this piece. Looking ahead to the new year and striving for improvement when my mental health points out all the mistakes and failures is always an ongoing journey of life, the potholes of struggles and joy of patching up and climbing out and continuing the journey of life. I came across the below piece by Texas Country Reporter that initially hit all the buttons. I am a failure; I cannot do what this woman does.  

Texas Country Reporter – 93-Year-Old Mechanic (8/12/2020)

Then I realized I need to re-adjust my lens of perception. She is living her life that brings meaning and her perception of living life well. She is not seeing the negative and just doing and not accepting the word no. Her life as presented shows that finding what you are good at and enjoy is what is essential, not what those around you say cannot be done. If a ninety-year-old woman can be a type of Mechanic with long nails, and own a small clothing store, work six days a week. Who are we to complain about the little things. Our ingenuity and success in life should not be based on the perception of others’ view of success but our own. It may be difficult to see when we are wallowing in an illogical pit of negativity or overdoing the worry. 

I am trying to communicate and live because when I sense my thought process is leaning to the illogical negative, it is time to physically or metaphorically step back, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and genuinely look at the actual situation. Perception balanced with remembering past examples of when my mind created a problem when there was none. There are days when this works, and there are days that will not, and it makes me feel more silly. Trite but true, tomorrow is another day to change lives perspective.  

Living life is all about perception based on personal perspective and our own goals. We see this many times in the media and complaints or arguments based on a photo taken at one angle or a comment. A witness from another angle may not see the discussion but an agreement. What one may consider a joke another may see as an insult. Let’s use the example of the movie Forrest Gump (1994). To this day, I cannot watch the full film due to some of the previews showing where people made fun of him. He lived his life in the purest form. Am I missing out on an award-winning movie? Yes, but for me, I struggle to see beyond where the humor is seeing someone make mistakes or live life with purity and simplicity. Even though from the storyline, he makes some fantastic improvements to the world around him. Is my perception illogical, but it is a component of my life based on my history. So when speaking or seeing others, we do not know their account if a misstep is made. No-one is perfect. We should strive not to expect excellently or respect for a life lived well within the struggles that we have had or will have. 

Another perception and perspective being different based on lifestyle, social, culture, religion, faith, and finances. CBS News for something to ponder is the positive and disparity of finances. Will this change? Hopefully, it will, but I doubt it. The money will always be perceived to have success, and those without money have learned to adapt and move one. Does it seem wrong? Yes, but those of low financial seem to have a better chance of thriving and succeed in times of change than those that have had money now live in difficult economic times even when overwhelmed. Perception of living and adapting is striving to find success even during difficult times. When watching, I ponder that each side sees that they are right, and the other is wrong. All is about the profit margin of one and the life destruction and moving on of another. Unfortunately, it is based around money, and having to accept money will always rule our world. Succeeding in life is accepting and adapting one’s lifestyle without destroying others’ lives.

CBS News – Rising Tide: Priced Out in Miami – Full Documentary

To wrap this up and round out the ebb and flow of perception developed by history. Let me leave you with a cooking video. The onset seems odd, but what I found interesting is that the recipe started as a plan to cook a Mexican ‘Pot Roast.’ Still, when looking in past cookbooks, the roast was found at one point was quite prevalent in North America in the mid-eighteen hundreds.  

Glen & Friends Cooking – Spiced Beef Pot Roast Recipe (12/30/2020)

So I fibbed here is a final documentary of how one can strive to change one’s personal choices; this is no different from what our own country and other developed countries had in the 1800’s clothing industry. What can we, as individuals, do to purchase second hand, fair trade, or when financially possible purchase made in America. For some, this may not be possible now but at least trying to make changes with an awareness of how our actions may impact the larger picture. Furthered my understanding that injustice will always be in the world at large; it just changes location. As an individual, I can treat those around me with respect, be aware of what I purchase when I can financially, and accept it when I cannot impact the world’s greed at large.

Plot 11 – The True Cost – Documentary – Clothing Industry – Fashion Market – Capitalism – Modern Slavery (7/11/2020)

Let me leave you with this idea for the new year that as individuals, our perception of twenty-twenty, past and present, will be different from others. What is the point of arguments over the perception of information given from various news sources? Let’s strive to agree to disagree depending on where you are in your journey of life. It does not mean I will stop giving my perception and opinion, just how I am trying to balance the chaos I see and how my mind interprets it.

Hope you enjoyed this look at life’s perspective. May the New Year find you well and safe. Remember it is okay to reach out for help when the world seems overwhelming. Call a friend, family, professional, or telehealth professional.

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